Frequently asked questions
Here we have listed questions employers and employees frequently ask. You can search among the questions by theme.
149 results
- Is the right to study leave “reset to zero" when the employee has already exercised the right to study leave for two years within a five year period?
- I want to change my place of employment during my study leave, how do I resign?
- Can I work for another employer during my study leave?
- Can my previous job description be changed after I return from study leave? Is the employer obligated to offer work that matches my new qualifications or work that matches previous qualifications?
- Do I have the right to take part in training organised by my employer during my study leave?
- I am pregnant and will give birth during my study leave. Is the employer obliged to pay me maternity allowance and under what conditions?
- What do I do if the employer does not provide my pay data to the party who grants an adult education allowance?
- What do I do if I feel that the grounds the employer gave for postposing my study leave are not real?
- How often can an employer postpone the start of a study leave?
- Can an employer refuse to grant study leave?
- Can I change my line of study line or place of study during a study leave?
- Can I spend part of the week or part of a work day on study leave and part at work?
- What should be done if a temporary agency worker has a serious occupational accident?
- We are contracting work from a Finnish branch of a foreign company. What clarifications concerning the contractor’s obligation to check do we need to obtain?
- We are in the process of concluding a training agreement with a vocational institution for the on-the-job learning periods in which their students will take part in our company. Do we have to obtain clarifications concerning the contractor’s obligation to check the vocational institution in question?
- Can the documents of a machine be delivered electronically only?
- I suspect that the reasons for terminating my employment relationship are not legal. Can I get the opinion of an occupational safety and health authority on the matter?
- My employer has not paid salaries and allowances they owe me. Where can I get help in recovering my wages?
- What information should be reported to the register of exposed workers?
- There was an incident at our workplace which could cause employee exposure. What is the correct procedure in these cases?
- How do I identify mutagenic and reprotoxic chemicals?
- How do I identify carcinogenic chemicals in the workplace?
- Can an employer require for me to take my annual leave during the notice period?
- Where can I find information about required pay for the job I’m applying for?
- The employment office asks for a pay calculation when I registered as a jobseeker. I haven’t gotten it from my employer. What can I do?
- My fixed-term employment ended, and I haven’t received my final pay. What can I do?
- For how long should the reports on contractor’s obligations be stored?
- We use a service that allows the contractor to obtain a report on the contracting partner’s compliance with their obligations. Is it enough if the report containing statements on contractor’s obligations is viewed in the service, or does it have to be printed out?
- How is the account of the collective agreement applicable to the work, as required by the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out?
- We are signing a subcontract. The contracting partner has provided statements on contractor’s obligations. The extract from the Trade Register is dated 1 January 2019. Do we have to get a newer statement?
- Before signing the agreement, we performed checks concerning the contractor’s obligations, and concluded that the contracting partner has taken care of their obligations. Now, in the course of the same contract, the subcontractor submitted a report showing some taxes haven’t been paid. Can we pay the subcontractor’s invoice even though they’ve accrued tax debt during the contractual relationship?
- Is it required to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations every three months?
- What kind of company can be considered to be ‘well-established’?
- We have made a contract on construction work. The contracting partner company has been operating for 20 years, and we have no reason to suspect that there has been a breach of their legal obligations. We have worked with the same contracting partner before. Do we still have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations?
- We buy a new machine and its installation in our production facility from an external company. The value of the machine is approximately EUR 50,000. The company comes to install the machine in our premises. Installation takes only two days. Do we have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations?
- We order small jobs regularly from the contracting party by phone. No written contracts are made for the orders. The values of individual orders are below the limit value of EUR 9,000. Do we have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations?
- An employee of our subcontractor will be performing installation work at a customer site. Do we have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations even if the employee does not work in our premises?
- We have signed a subcontract for construction work at a construction site. Do we have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations even if the contracting party has no employees?
- We are building a new production facility. Does our company need to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations from the companies carrying out the construction work? Do we have to take into account the provisions of the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out regarding construction activities, even though we don't operate in the construction sector?
- Does a foreign company have to perform checks if it uses temporary agency workers in Finland from a foreign temporary agency?
- Is a farm a contractor within the meaning of the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out? Does the farm have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations if it enters into temporary agency work or subcontracting agreements?
- We purchase international transport services from our subcontractor. These transports leave from Finland but end up abroad. How is the limit value of applying the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out calculated for these contracts?
- Does the municipality have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations from a company that the municipality accepts to provide social and health care services with a service voucher for local residents?
- Will I accrue annual holiday during a lay-off?
- I obtained a report from a private service provider stating the contracting partner doesn’t employ workforce. On the basis of the front page markings, the report is in order and contains the information on tax register entries, an extract from the Trade Register and evidence of tax payments. Do I need additional clarifications when the contracting partner’s employee has started work on our site?
- We are a non-profit association and we are concluding an agreement on subcontracting. Does the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out apply to us as a contractor?
- We are concluding an agreement with a light entrepreneur. What clarifications should we obtain on the light entrepreneur?
- We are a housing company and we are planning the implementation of a plumbing renovation as subcontracted work. Does the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out apply to us?
- We operate as a subcontractor on construction sites and use external work force. The main contractor is obtaining clarifications concerning the contractor’s obligation to check on all the companies operating on the site. Do we need to obtain clarifications on our own contracting partners, although the main contractor has ensured that matters are in order?
- A foreign contracting partner has organised occupational health care services in the company’s home country. Is this sufficient as a clarification concerning the contractor’s obligation to check or should the occupational health care services be provided in Finland?
- What is emergency work and how is it compensated?
- Is the worker entitled to sick pay during a temporary lay-off?
- A lot of accidents happen at my workplace. Could the accidents be prevented?
- What should I do if I notice an accident risk in my work even if an accident has not yet happened?
- How do I know if the branch I work in is applying the collective agreement?
- When is a representative for a posting company not needed?
- A foreign employee has a Finnish spouse. Does the employer still need to ensure the foreign employee’s right to work?
- How does one ensure a foreign employee’s right to work?
- When does a motor vehicle driver have to keep a personal log book?
- How many consecutive fixed-term employment contracts may be applied in agency work?
- I have not received a certificate of employment. What can I do?
- Who may function as a posting company's representative in Finland?
- Does the employer need to ensure that a foreign employee has the right to work in Finland even if he/she already has a Finnish tax number?
- I don’t know what the occupational health care at my workplace covers. What can I do?
- May I consult occupational health care if I fall ill?
- Can the operating instructions for a machine be in a language other than Finnish?
- What should the operating instructions of a machine contain?
- What is a CE marking?
- My employee does not want to use the assistive devices for lifting and transfers that have been acquired to the workplace. What can I do as a supervisor?
- My employer requires me to wear protective goggles. I don’t want to wear them, because under them my glasses mist over. Do I have to wear the goggles?
- The employer has carried out some occupational hygiene measurements at the workplace but refuses to give the results to me for the investigation of an occupational disease. What can I do about it?
- The employer’s operations have ended. Who will pay for my occupational disease investigation?
- My employer does not have an occupational health care agreement. How do I handle my suspected occupational disease?
- I suspect that my illness was caused by my work. What should I do?
Showing 76 - 149 / 149