Employment relationship
Absences due to other family-related reasons
Absence due to compelling family-related reasons
Employees are entitled to temporary leave from work if their immediate presence at home is required due to an unexpected illness or accident in the family.
The employee must notify their employer of their need to take leave and the reason for the leave as soon as possible. The employer can request proof of the grounds for the leave.
Leave to care for a family member or other loved one
If it is necessary for an employee to be absent from work in order to care for a member of their family or another loved one in special circumstances, it is the employer’s duty to arrange their work so as to give the employee a certain period of time off. The length of the leave and other arrangements are agreed between the employer and the employee.
Returning to work before the end of the agreed period of leave must also be agreed between the employer and the employee. If agreement cannot be reached, the employee can discontinue their leave by giving their employer at least one month’s notice of their return.
The employer can request proof of the grounds for the leave as well as the reason for the employee’s early return.
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