Occupational safety and health committee

An occupational safety and health committee must be established in workplaces that regularly employ at least 20 people. The employer initiates the establishment of the committee. The term of office of the occupational safety and health committee is two calendar years.

Representation of the employer and employees in the occupational safety and health committee

The occupational safety and health committee consists of four, eight or twelve members. The composition of the committee is as follows, unless agreed otherwise:

  • one fourth of the members of the committee represent the employer
  • half of the members of the committee represent either the employees or managerial staff, depending on which group is larger
  • one fourth of the members of the committee represent the smaller group of employees. 

The employer must appoint a representative to represent them in the occupational safety and health committee. The occupational safety and health manager has the right to be present in the meetings of the occupational safety and health committee even if they are not a member of the committee.

The occupational safety and health committee is chaired by the employer, a representative of the employer or a member of the committee appointed by the committee. A representative appointed by the employer is responsible for preparing the matters to be discussed by the occupational safety and health committee.

On the basis of their position, occupational safety and health representatives are members of the occupational safety and health committee. Other representatives of employees are selected with the same electoral procedure as occupational safety and health representatives.

No costs generated by being a member of the occupational safety and health committee must be incurred by members of the committee. Time use and loss of earnings must be compensated for with the same principles as applied with occupational safety and health representatives.

Matters to be discussed by the occupational safety and health committee

The occupational safety and health committee discusses matters concerning the safety, health and work ability of employees, and the committee may submit proposals aimed at, for example:

  • developing working conditions
  • arranging occupational safety and health training
  • develop occupational health care services
  • develop activities that maintain work ability.

For more information on the matters discussed by the occupational safety and health committee, please refer to the Issues to be addressed in the context of cooperation in occupational safety and health matters.