Employment relationship
Terms of employment for long-term posting
In long-term posting, additional terms of employment must be applied in addition to the mandatory terms of employment. The additional terms of employment are based on the provisions of the applicable collective agreement. In addition, certain provisions of the Annual Holidays Act and special laws that do not apply to ordinary postings will apply.
Additional terms of employment
In Finland, the additional terms and conditions refer to the terms of a generally applicable collective agreement or other collective agreement binding on the posting company that would apply in addition to the provisions on working hours, annual leave and occupational safety, with the exception of the provisions on the conclusion, termination, non-competition obligation and occupational supplementary pensions.
Additional employment conditions based on collective agreements are usually related to paid absences, such as the employee's 50th birthday, the funeral date of a close relative, payment for years of pensionable service and obligations to pay sick pay. The additional employment terms must be clarified case-specifically on the basis of the collective agreement to be applied in the employment relationship.
In particular, any of the following provisions, which shall be earned depending on time limits or the duration of the employment relationship, must be taken into account:
- determination of the personal payment component;
- paid anniversaries;
- accumulation of annual leave and holiday pay;
- holiday compensation and holiday bonus;
- meal remuneration;
- work experience supplements;
- the payment of sick pay, and
- the payment of maternity and paternity leave pay.
Any other provisions on various supplements and compensations relevant to the promotion of equal treatment of posted workers should also be taken into account.
Annual leave, Independence Day and May Day
In addition, the provisions of the Annual Holidays Act concerning the granting of annual leave and the acts on celebrating Independence Day as a public holiday and the arrangement of May Day as a holiday for employees in certain cases shall apply in long-term posting.