Occupational health and accidents
Remote occupational health care services
The occupational health care service may provide the employer and employee both physical services and remote services. Physical services refer to measures that are performed in the workplace or occupational health care premises when meeting the employer and the employee.
Remote occupational health care services refer to situations where the occupational health care professionals, employer and employee are at different locations and exchange information as text, sound or image files, or via a video link.
The organisation and implementation of remote services must be agreed in writing between the representatives of the occupational health care provider, the employer and the employees. The occupational health care professionals will determine in each case, whether the service can be provided as a remote service in accordance with the practices and principles of professional ethics of occupational health care.
Workplace survey as a remote service
In principle, basic and targeted workplace surveys are performed in the workplace.
It is possible to perform the workplace survey visit remotely, when
- the occupational health care experts and professionals are familiar with the working conditions and no significant changes have taken place
- there are no factors that cause a risk to the employee’s health and safety in the workplace, nor other essential factors in terms of health and work capacity that would require observation or measuring
- the issue related to the work or work community does not require shared handling
- a remote visit suits the employer
- preparing a preliminary survey for a workplace survey, giving feedback, or planning.
Health examination as a remote service
It is possible to perform a health examination via a video link if the examination does not require a physical examination, taking samples or testing, and if the employee agrees to it.
If necessary, the occupational health care service must provide a physical health examination for the employee.
It is also possible to provide remote services when
- negotiating occupational health care agreements and action plans and when participating in occupational safety and health committee meetings
- providing individual guidance on health and work capacity
- consulting a medical specialist to determine work capacity and treatment and rehabilitation possibilities, if the consultation does not require a physical examination of the person
- conducting an occupational health care negotiation if all parties agree to it.
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