Employment relationship
Terms and conditions of employment
The employer must give a written statement of the principal terms and conditions of employment to an employee that works at least three hours each week during a period of four successive weeks. The employer must provide a statement of the terms and conditions referred to in paragraphs 1–8 of the Act (see below) within seven days and of the other terms and conditions within one month of the start of the work. However, it is recommended that all information is provided on a single document within seven days. The document must state at least the terms and conditions of employment specified in the Employment Contracts Act, except where these terms and conditions are already given in the written employment contract.
The statement can be given on one or more documents. For the terms and conditions concerning the trial period, pay, working hours, training, annual holiday, period of notice, collective agreement or insurance cover, the statement can be provided by referring to the act or collective agreement applying to the employment relationship.
If there are changes in the terms and conditions of employment, the employer must also give a written statement of any changes in the terms and conditions as soon as possible, but no later than when the changes enter into force, unless the changes are due to changes in legislation or a collective agreement.
Contents of the written statement
The statement must include information at least on the following:
- the domicile or business location of the employer and the employee
- work start date
- the date or estimated date of termination of any fixed-term employment contract and the grounds for specifying a fixed term, or notification that the contract is a fixed-term employment contract with a long-term unemployed person as referred to in chapter 1, section 3a
- the trial period
- the place where the work is to be performed or, if the employee has no primary fixed workplace, an explanation of the principles under which the employee will work in various work locations or is free to determine their workplace
- principal work tasks of the employee
- the grounds for determining the pay and other remuneration, and the pay period
- working hours to be observed in the work
- for employees observing variable working hours:
a) in what circumstances and to what extent the employer requires labour
b) days and times of the week during which the employer may commission work in accordance with section 30a of the Working Hours Act without the employee’s consent for each occasion - for temporary agency work:
a) name and establishment of the user company (if known)
b) details on the reason for and duration or estimated duration of the user company’s order, based on the customer contract forming the basis for the fixed-term employment contract
c) estimate of the other work tasks corresponding to those agreed on in the fixed-term agency worker’s employment contract that are on offer in the company employing the agency worker - any right to training provided by the employer based on the law, agreement or practice
- the manner in which the annual holiday is determined
- period of notice or the basis for determining it
- collective agreement applicable to the work
- Insurance information:
a. the insurance institution where the employer has arranged the employee’s pension cover
b. the insurance institution where the employer has insured the employee for occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
In the case of work performed abroad for a minimum period of one month, the employer must also issue a statement concerning the following before the employee travels to the location:
- duration of the work
- the currency in which the monetary pay is to be paid
- monetary remunerations and fringe benefits applicable abroad
- terms and conditions for the repatriation of the employee
- details of the formation of the pay in the host Member State
- link to an official website of the host Member State providing information on the terms and conditions of employment applied to a worker posted to the territory of the Member State in question.
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