Lähetetty työntekijä - Ilmoitus lähettämisen keston pidentämisestä

At the justified request of the posting undertaking, the 12-month limit of work may be extended to a maximum of 18 months. In this case, the application of the additional employment conditions for long-term posting will only start after the notified extension, if the posting continues in the same job at the same workplace.

The posting undertaking shall state the reasons for its notification of the extension of the posting period, as the extension will not be accepted on the basis of a notification completely without justification. The need for an extension of the term and the justification of the extension are at the discretion of the posting undertaking, i.e. the employer. This is not an authorisation procedure, but the notification does require justification. Only notifications completely without justification or those that are obviously inadequately substantiated may be disregarded, in which case the 12-month time limit will not be extended and the additional employment conditions must be applied immediately.

The duration of the extension shall be determined by the notification submitted, but it may not exceed six months.

The notification is submitted electronically to the occupational safety and health authority before the 12-month working time of a worker posted to Finland is reached. The notification is submitted electronically using an online form Notification of extension of duration of posting of workers.

The occupational safety and health authority receives the notifications and, if necessary, directs the employer to provide justification for the extension.

Changes to the duration of posting must always be notified separately to the occupational safety and health authority

The form for notifying an extension to the duration of posting of workers is only used for requesting an extension to the time limit stipulated in the additional terms of employment. Extending the duration of a posted worker’s posting is always a substantial change, and a supplementary notification must also be submitted to the occupational safety and health authority with an online form for all posted workers whose posting will be taking longer than previously notified.