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Asbestos removal notices
The Division of Occupational Safety and Health of the Regional State Administrative Agency in whose jurisdiction asbestos removal works are to be carried out must be notified of the works in advance. Notice must be given in writing and ideally at least seven days before the works are scheduled to begin. There is also an online form for notifying the authorities.
Works that are necessary to minimise losses or danger in the event of breaks in asbestos-containing materials or pipes can be commenced immediately.
In such cases, the occupational safety and health authorities can accept verbal notice of the works.
However, written notice must also be given as soon as possible.
Asbestos removal notices must include
- information about the nature of the works, the start date of the works and their estimated duration,
- the address where the works are to be carried out,
- the name and contact information of the client,
- the names of the employees who will perform the works,
- information about the workers’ fitness for asbestos removal works, the date of each worker’s most recent health examination and the period of validity of the examination results,
- the main findings of the asbestos survey, the date of the survey and the surveyor’s name,
- information about the techniques to be employed to remove the asbestos or asbestos-containing materials,
- detailed information about the equipment to be used to protect workers and to clean the area afterwards,
- detailed information about the equipment to be used to contain asbestos dust,
- the name of the landfill to which the waste will be taken, and
- the name and contact information of the author of the notice.
A new notice must be submitted if there are any changes in the working conditions that lead to a considerable increase in the workers’ exposure to dust released by asbestos or asbestos-containing materials. The occupational safety and health authorities also need to be notified if workers other than those listed in the original notice are to be involved in the works.
The fitness of asbestos removal workers must be checked pursuant to the Finnish Government Decree on medical examinations in work that presents a special risk of illness (1485/2001). The medical certificate issued to each worker must specify that the worker is fit to work with asbestos.
An advance notice of asbestos removal works must be posted in a visible place just outside the area where exposure can occur. The notice outside the exposure area does not need to be as detailed as the notice sent to the occupational safety and health authorities. It must, however, contain information about the nature of the works, the start date of the works and their estimated duration, the address where the works are to be carried out and the name and contact information of the author of the notice.
Printable form: Asbestos removal notice (PDF) | Contact details for Divisions of Occupational Safety and Health
Online form: Asbestos removal notice | Instructions for filling in the online form (PDF)