Accessibility statement_Psychosocial workload factors survey

This accessibility statement applies to Psychosocial workload factors survey. This statement was published on 24 March 2021.

The statement is based on an accessibility evaluation by an external expert organisation. The evaluation was carried out at the request of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Division at Regional State Administrative Agency of Western and Inland Finland in March 2021. The deficiencies and development targets for accessibility identified in the evaluation have been fixed in March 2021.

Compliance status

Occupational Safety and Health Administration aims to ensure the accessibility of Psychosocial workload factors survey in accordance with Act on the provision of digital services 306/2019

This survey is compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 A and AA standard.

Non-accessible content

There are no findings of non-accessible content in the survey.

Feedback on accessibility

If you have discovered a deficiency in the accessibility of Psychosocial workload factors survey, you can report it by e-mail at the address [email protected]

The accessibility of Psychosocial Workload Factors Survey and the processing of feedback on it is the responsibility of OSH Division at Regional State Administrative Agency of Western and Inland Finland. The division responds to the feedback of those who gave their contact information as soon as possible, or within two weeks of the contact at the latest.

If you are not satisfied with the response to your feedback, you can file an accessibility complaint with or submit a request for information to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland, which monitors accessibility. You can find more detailed information on the following pages: