Working conditions
The rights of the picker
Guide: Wild berry picker’s rights
The picker of wild berries and other natural products has the right to:
- sell the natural products they pick to a party of their choice
- move from the accommodation and catering organised by a natural product collection operator to other accommodation and catering of their choice, if the purpose of entry into the country does not change
- decide their date of arrival in and departure from the country
- decide on their schedule for picking.
The special rights of the picker are laid down in such a way that they are compatible with the activities carried out under everyman's rights. The purpose of the rights is to clarify each person’s legal status and these will not affect the rights of the natural product picker provided by other legislation.
From the point of view of the legal status of the picker of natural products, it is essential that he/she has the right to sell the natural products he/she has picked to a party of his/her choice, also to an operator other than the one who invited him/her to Finland. By tendering buyers, the picker can aim to obtain the best possible price for the natural products they collect. As they have the possibility to change the accommodation and catering provider whose services they use, the natural products pickers can maintain their independent status in relation to natural product collection operators. In order to ensure the independent status of the picker of natural products, the picker also has the right to decide when they enter the country and leave the country and to determine their own picking schedule.