Working conditions
Adequate electrical safety requires safe procedures, a responsible approach and a due respect for the dangers of electricity. Workers must be shown safe procedures and provided with appropriate tools and personal protective equipment. Manufacturers’ installation instructions must be observed.
The risks and adverse effects of electrical equipment, the use of electricity and static electricity in the workplace must be minimised. Electrical works may only be performed under a manager’s supervision, by competent individuals, in appropriate spaces and using appropriate equipment. The workers also need to be familiar with the applicable laws and regulations.
Electrical works carried out in the course of construction projects need to satisfy, among others, the following requirements:
- all electrical devices must be protected against mechanical damage
- all electrical devices must be positioned so that they cannot be tripped on, and
- sufficient safety distances or shields must be applied when working with uninsulated wires.
Safety distances and shields to protect workers from injury also need to be in place while cranes and other machinery are in operation.
The law also lays down minimum distances to power lines during tree felling. No machinery, equipment or loads must penetrate the safety zone. In addition, the harvested timber must be stacked far enough away from power lines to maintain the required minimum distance between loading equipment and power lines.
The body responsible for ensuring electrical safety and supervising manufacturers, importers and retailers of electrical devices in Finland is the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency, which also issues regulations for the industry.
Occupational Safety and Health Act (738/2002)
- Section 8 – Employer’s general duty to exercise care
- Section 10 – Analysis and assessment of the risks at work
- Section 11 – Work that causes particular risks
- Section 12 – Design of the working environment
- Section 13 – Work design
- Section 34 – Lighting of workplaces
- Section 39 – Physical agents and electrical safety
Electrical Safety Act (1135/2016)
Government Decree on the safety of tree harvesting (749/2001, in Finnish)