Posting in road transport - Yleistä

A lorry driving on an asphalt road with blue sky in the background.The Act on Posting Workers also applies to subcontracted transport services in road transport. A situation constitutes posting when companies have agreed on a cross-border transport service. A driver drives cargo or persons for a limited period of time in a country other than the one where the driver’s employer is established.

The posting of a driver covered by the Act may include the following transport operations:

  • Cabotage transports
    Transport ordered by another company and temporarily carried out in Finnish territory by a carrier established in another Member State.
  • Cross-trade operation
    Transport between two Member States or between a Member State and a third country when none of the aforementioned is the country where the carrier is established.
It is important for the employer to determine whether it is a case of subcontracted transport where the Act on Posting Workers applies.

In these subcontracted transport services, the employer is obligated to observe the notification procedure of the EU portal, keep documents and information available for transport control and present this information when requested by the occupational safety and health authority.

A posted driver is entitled to the compensation and working conditions of the receiving country if they are better than in the country where the driver’s employer is established.

Posting in road transport - Plussat

Posting in road transport - Webinaari 04_2023

Webinar recording: How to post drivers to Finland

The EU mobility package brought changes to the legislation in February 2022. The webinar recording below gives you an overlook on the posted workers legislation in Finland in the road transport sector. You will hear especially about the new rules and responsibilities for the companies that post drivers to Finland. We will tell you where to find information about the salaries that must be paid when driving in Finland. To download the webinar material, please go to page Webinar: How to post drivers to Finland.


Posting in road transport - Lainsäädäntö



Act on Posted Workers (447/2016)

  • Section 1 Scope
  • Section 2 Definitions
  • Section 7 b Notice of posting of workers on the basis of a subcontract for road transport
  • Section 10 a Documents required for roadside inspections in subcontracting
  • Section 10 b Provision of information to the occupational safety and health authority
  • Section 35 Negligence fee