Permits and notifications - Asbestos removal licences

Asbestos removal refers to the dismantling and removal of asbestos-containing structures and technical systems, the encapsulation of any remaining asbestos-containing structures, the cleaning of the treated area afterwards and other works directly linked to the dismantling and removal of structures that may expose workers to asbestos dust.

Works relating to asbestos removal include, among others, compartmentalisation and encapsulation as well as the depositing of asbestos waste in a skip in preparation for transport to a landfill. Asbestos removal works also include any servicing and maintenance of asbestos-containing structures and systems in buildings and ships that release asbestos dust. A wide range of works involving asbestos are therefore subject to licensing.


Asbestos removal licensee criteria

Asbestos removal licences can be granted to private individuals, self-employed persons, limited companies, cooperatives and public bodies.

Asbestos removal licences can be granted to natural persons who

  1. are at least 18 years of age,
  2. are not bankrupt or of limited legal capacity and who do not have a court-appointed legal guardian,
  3. are not subject to a permanent or temporary ban on business operations,
  4. have access to the kind of equipment and tools needed to safely perform the kinds of asbestos removal works that require a licence as well as facilities where such equipment and tools can be serviced, and
  5. have not previously committed such breaches of occupational safety regulations that would render them manifestly unfit to perform the kinds of works that require a licence.

Businesses can be licensed to perform asbestos removal works provided that their executives satisfy the aforementioned requirements and the business has access to the kind of ventilation equipment needed for asbestos removal works as well as facilities where such equipment can be serviced.

Applying for an asbestos removal licence

The authority responsible for granting asbestos removal licences is the

Division of Occupational Safety and Health of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland. Licence applications can be submitted by post to:

Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland
Division of Occupational Safety and Health
P.O. Box 10
13035 AVI, Finland

or by e-mail to [email protected].

The licensing authority can ask for more information if an application is incomplete.

If the requested additional information is not provided by the deadline set by the licensing authority, the application is rejected but the applicant still needs to pay a processing fee.

Occupational safety and health inspection

Prior to granting an asbestos removal licence, the Regional State Administrative Agency’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health carries out an occupational safety and health inspection in order to check that the applicant has access to the kind of ventilation equipment needed for asbestos removal works as well as facilities where such equipment can be serviced.

Cost of an asbestos removal licence

The licensing authority charges a fee of EUR 1415 for processing each application (Government Decree on Regional State Administrative Agency fees in years 2025 and 2026 (858/2024, available in Finnish and Swedish).

Periods of validity and scope of asbestos removal licences

New operators are usually first granted a temporary licence for a period of three years. Applicants seeking to renew their licence must satisfy the same criteria as when they were granted their first licence.

Prior to renewing a licence, the licensing authority evaluates whether or not the terms of the licence have been satisfied on the basis of data collected in the course of enforcement. Businesses that are proven to have complied with the terms of their licence can be granted a permanent licence.

As long as an application for a renewal reaches the licensing authority at least one month before the previous licence is due to expire, the operator can continue to perform asbestos removal works on the basis of the previous licence until a decision has been made on their new application.

Asbestos removal licences are valid across the country.

Notification obligations

Asbestos removal licensees have a legal duty to promptly notify the licensing authority if they discontinue performing asbestos removal works or if any circumstances that have a material impact on their eligibility for an asbestos removal licence should change.

Such circumstances include, for example, an operator’s being placed in liquidation or going out of business or a court’s deciding to limit the legal capacity of the licensee or an executive of the licensee’s business, appointing a legal guardian for them or declaring them bankrupt.

The licensing authority must also be notified should members of the executive team of the licensee’s business or their managing director change.

Any changes introduced to the maintenance enclosure and the expiry of an outsourcing agreement must likewise be reported.

Register of persons qualified to perform asbestos removal works

The Division of Occupational Safety and Health of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland keeps a register of persons qualified to perform asbestos removal works. Information about the register is available from the Division of Occupational Safety and Health of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland on +358 295 016 000.

Asbestos removal works may only be carried out and supervised by qualified asbestos removal personnel. All asbestos removal workers and asbestos removal supervisors must have completed a relevant vocational course or a part thereof.

All individuals involved in asbestos removal works must have their details in the register of persons qualified to perform asbestos removal works. Requests of registration must be accompanied by evidence of the individual’s having a relevant professional qualification (diploma).

The register of persons qualified to perform asbestos removal works is managed by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland.

Form: Registration of asbestos removal qualifications (PDF)

Asbestos removal qualifications are available from the following educational institutions:

  • Amiedu, Helsinki
  • AEL
  • Vocational College Lappia, Tornio
  • Axxell, Karis
  • Careeria, Porvoo
  • South Savo Vocational College, Mikkeli
  • HMAK, Helsinki
  • Gradia, Jyväskylä
  • Kainuu Vocational College, Kajaani
  • Keuda, Central Uusimaa
  • Salpaus Further Education, Lahti
  • WinNova, Rauma
  • OAKK, Oulu
  • OSAO, Haukipudas
  • North Karelia Adult Education Centre, Joensuu
  • Raahe Adult Education Centre, Raahe
  • Saimaa Vocational College, Lappeenranta
  • Savo Vocational College, Kuopio
  • Savonlinna Vocational College, Savonlinna
  • Sedu, Seinäjoki
  • Tampere Adult Education Centre, Tampere
  • TTS, Vantaa
  • Turku Adult Education Centre, Turku
  • Vamia, Vaasa
  • Ylä-Savo Vocational College, Iisalmi