Murupolku - Usein kysytty kysymys - EN

I work in home care and I usually do the home visits alone. I have no advance information about the situation at customers’ homes when making the visits. There have already been situations where I have found it necessary to contact my supervisor or a workmate. What should I do in such situations? Should the employer provide me with a phone?

Working alone

The employer must ensure that the hazards and risks arising from working alone are also minimised during home visits. The employer must identify the hazards and risks for each individual customer so that the risks arising from working alone can be taken into account in the planning of the work and familiarisation of the employees. The employer must ensure that you can be in contact with your employer or a workmate as required and that you can call for help. You should contact your supervisor responsible for such matters as risk assessment, acquisition of the required tools, and familiarisation.

21 May 2024