Näkyvä varoitusvaatetus -alkuteksti

Instructions for selecting and using high-visibility warning clothing I Published 12 December 2024​​​​​​​

Två personer bär synliga varselkläder.   During the dark winter season, the risk of occupational accidents increases in many sectors. If an employee is difficult to see, they may be involved in a serious accident, such as being hit by a vehicle or machinery. These accidents can be prevented by wearing high-visibility warning clothing.

High-visibility warning clothes are personal protective equipment. The importance of high-visibility warning clothing is emphasised in work where the employee cannot be fully protected from such things as machinery and vehicle traffic.

These include:

  • guidance of a vehicle or machinery
  • traffic control
  • guidance while reversing
  • road works where there is a danger of being run over
  • cleaning and waste management
  • waterway construction and maintenance
  • warehousing in a work area where moving machinery is operated
  • working in the vicinity of worksite machinery
  • underground construction and blasting work
  • work carried out in the centre of road traffic
  • work on railways, and at ports and airports
  • fire, rescue and police field work
  • building construction
  • tree harvesting.
High-visibility clothing as well as reflectors and reflecting ribbons also improve the safety of employees when travelling to work.

Assess risks

Risk assessment requires the systematic identification of hazards in the workplace. You can use checklists or similar to help in risk assessments.

Risks must be eliminated primarily through technical measures aimed at working conditions and the organisation of work. If risks cannot be eliminated, the employer must provide the employee the necessary personal protective equipment, such as visible warning clothing.

Based on a risk assessment, the warning clothing required for each type of work and situation is selected and their protection class and level are determined.

Näkyvä varoitusvaatetus -plussisällöt