Metsamarjojen poimijan oikeudet - alkuteksti

Guide for wild berry pickers | Published 28 June 2024
​​​​​​​Also available in Thai, Ukrainian and Russian.

In this official guide, we describe wild berry pickers’ rights. We will also describe the rights and obligations of the company purchasing the berries. 

This guide applies to you if

  • you are a foreigner
  • you pick berries in the forest
  • the berry company buys the berries from you 
  • the berry company organises the picking, accommodation and food services
  • you are not an employee of the berry company, meaning that you are not in an employment relationship.

If you are an employee of a berry company, sections 5 and 6 of this guide apply to you.

If you personally organise the picking and sale of berries, this guide does not apply to you.

Metsamarjojen poimijan oikeudet - plussisällöt