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Employment relationship
Characteristics of employment relationship
Employment contract
Duration of contract
Trial period
Terms and conditions
Working hours
Regular working hours
Flexible working hours
Variable working hours
Flexible working time
Working hours account
Rest periods and breaks
Additional work and overtime
Planning and monitoring
Maximum number
Wage payment
Employee’s outstanding wages
Sick pay
Debts to employer
Annual holidays
Number of holiday days
Timing of the holiday
Holiday pay
Free time from part-time work
Other leave from employment
Family leave
Pregnancy and parental leave
Child care leave
Part-time child care leave
Temporary child care leave
Informal care leave
Other family-related reasons
Study leave
Rights and responsibilities at work
Right to direct
Privacy protection
Technological surveillance
Health information
Credit data
Drug testing
Cancelling contract
Terminating contract
Grounds related to employee’s person
Financial and production-related grounds
Periods of notice
Special cases
Certificate of employment
Temporary agency work
Minimum terms and conditions
Fixed-term work
Working hours
Holidays and family leave
Occupational health care
Equality and non-discrimination
Promoting equality
Disability and adjustments
Working hours of motor vehicle driver
Personal driver’s log
Driving times and rest periods
Driving and rest time rules
Instructions on tachograph functions
Self-employed driver
Foreign employee
The right to work
Data preservation
International employment relationships
Posted worker
Applicable legislation
Notification duty
Employer’s representative
Keeping the information available
Right to work
An internal transfer in an international company
Pay in Finland
Collective agreements
Construction sector
Industry sector
Transport sector
Travel, accommodation and meal expenses
Working hours
Accident insurance
Occupational health care
Accommodation conditions
Taxes and tax numbers
Posting in road transport
Long-term posting
Terms of employment for long-term posting
Notification of extension of duration of posting
Contractor’s obligations in posting
General contractor at construction sites and shipyards
Enforcement of the posting of workers
Negligence fee
Consequences of neglecting obligations
Young worker
Employment contract and age
Working hours
Induction training
Suitable work
Hazardous work
Employee of pension age
Collective agreement
Local agreement
Seasonal agricultural work and berry picking
Working conditions
Work environment
Remote work
Working in another person’s home
Personnel rooms
Indoor climate
Internal traffic
Safety signs
Order and cleanliness
Unfair treatment
Threat of violence
Psychosocial workload
Psychosocial workload factors
Identification and evaluation
Minimisation of work-related strain
Night work
Working alone
Physical workload
Manual lifting
Repetitive work
Visual display unit work
Physical factors
Limit values
Identification of noise risks
Reduction of noise risks
Prevention of hearing loss
Noise control
Hearing protectors
Limit values
Identification of exposure
Vibration risk assessment
Vibration control
Thermal conditions
Optical radiation
Electromagnetic fields
Medical implants
High-frequency devices
Electrical works by unqualified individuals
Risks inherent in excavation works
Biological agents
Risk assessment
Reduction of risks
Training and instruction
Special obligations
Chemical agents
Risk management of chemical agents
Training requirements for users of diisocyanates
Limit values
Major accident
Risk of cancer
Carcinogenic agents
Mutagenic agents
Reprotoxic agents
Register of exposed workers
Workers who are pregnant, have recently given birth or are breastfeeding
Occupational safety legislation and REACH
Machinery and tools
Machine guarding
Machine operators’ qualifications
Mechanical inspections
Cableway installations
Personal protective equipment
Construction industry
Good practices: use of personal protective equipment
Quartz dust
Picking of natural products
Obligations of the operator
The rights of the picker
Advance notification of a pickers' base
Occupational health and accidents
Occupational health care
Providing health care
Workplace survey
Health examinations
Remote services
Occupational health cooperation
First aid preparedness
First aid training
First aid equipment
First aid instructions
First aid for chemical-related accidents and injuries
First aid in high pressure water injection accidents
Occupational and work-related diseases
Occupational accidents
Preventing occupational accidents
First aid preparedness
Major accidents
Safety and health in the workplace
Occupational safety management
Occupational safety and health personnel
Occupational safety and health manager
Occupational safety and health representative
Occupational safety and health committee
Issues to be addressed
Election of representatives
Agreement-based cooperation processes
Division of responsibilities
Other operators
Crimes against occupational safety and health
Construction projects
Occupational safety and health policy
Risk assessment
Identifying hazards
Typical hazards
Risk management
Instruction and guidance
Psychosocial workload factors survey
Halmeri method
Valmeri questionnaire
Elmeri+ method
Market surveillance
Information about market surveillance
Machinery and equipment
Machinery intended for professional use
Definitions of different types of machinery
Market surveillance checks
Manufacturer’s responsibilities
Importer's responsibilities
Importer to Finland / Seller / Distributor / Lessor
Safety standards
Personal protective equipment
Decisions and notices concerning products
Grey economy
Occupational safety and health
Minimum terms and conditions
Contractor’s obligations and liability
Application of the Act
Clarifications concerning the contractor’s obligation to check
Updating and storing accounts and certificates
Agreement with a foreign company
Personnel representative's right to obtain information
Negligence fee
Frequently asked questions
Personal ID
List of workers
Right to work in Finland
Send a tipoff
About us
Advice and guidance
Processing of enforcement requests
Occupational safety and health inspection
Progress of an inspection
Inspection report
Follow-up after an inspection
Legal protection of inspection site
Exercise of competence
Guidelines for controlling chemical agents
Monitoring in numbers
Occupational Safety and Health Boards
Construction section
Current issues
Webinar: How to post drivers to Finland
Webinar: Posted workers and terms of employment in Finland
Webinar: Posting workers to Finland
Webinar: Workers' rights in Finland
As a foreign employee in Finland
Are you self-employed or an employee?
Workplace bulletins
Frequently asked questions
About the service
Register description
Accessibility statement
Psychosocial workload factors survey
Cookie practices
Data protection
Registration information for the events of OSH Administration
Services and contact information
Telephone service
Contact information
Northern Finland
Western and Inland Finland
Eastern Finland
Southwestern Finland
Southern Finland
Permits and notifications
Occupational disease
Work performed occasionally
Asbestos removal notices
Asbestos removal licences
Maintenance enclosure requirements
Biological agents
Emergency work
Crane operator qualifications
Young workers
Charger's certificate
Construction work
Underwater construction worker
Period-based work
Base for natural produce pickers
Death of a seafarer
Posting of worker
Occupational accident
Shift roster
Night work
Processing times
Direct pension promises
Storage of documentation
Grey economy
Grey economy
Contractor’s obligations and liability
Frequently asked questions on contractor’s obligations and liability
Frequently asked questions on contractor’s obligations and liability
Frequently asked questions
We are concluding an agreement on construction work with a light entrepreneur, what information are we required to obtain?
We order small jobs regularly from the contracting party by phone. No written contracts are made for the orders. The values of individual orders are below the limit value of EUR 9,000. Do we have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations?
Is it required to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations every three months?
We buy a new machine and its installation in our production facility from an external company. The value of the machine is approximately EUR 50,000. The company comes to install the machine in our premises. Installation takes only two days. Do we have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations?
We purchase international transport services from our subcontractor. These transports leave from Finland but end up abroad. How is the limit value of applying the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out calculated for these contracts?
We are signing a subcontract. The contracting partner has provided statements on contractor’s obligations. The extract from the Trade Register is dated 1 January 2019. Do we have to get a newer statement?
We have made a contract on construction work. The contracting partner company has been operating for 20 years, and we have no reason to suspect that there has been a breach of their legal obligations. We have worked with the same contracting partner before. Do we still have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations?
We have signed a subcontract for construction work at a construction site. Do we have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations even if the contracting party has no employees?
We are building a new production facility. Does our company need to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations from the companies carrying out the construction work? Do we have to take into account the provisions of the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out regarding construction activities, even though we don't operate in the construction sector?
Before signing the agreement, we performed checks concerning the contractor’s obligations, and concluded that the contracting partner has taken care of their obligations. Now, in the course of the same contract, the subcontractor submitted a report showing some taxes haven’t been paid. Can we pay the subcontractor’s invoice even though they’ve accrued tax debt during the contractual relationship?
What kind of company can be considered to be ‘well-established’?
How is the account of the collective agreement applicable to the work, as required by the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out?
An employee of our subcontractor will be performing installation work at a customer site. Do we have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations even if the employee does not work in our premises?
We are contracting work from a Finnish branch of a foreign company. What clarifications concerning the contractor’s obligation to check do we need to obtain?
We are in the process of concluding a training agreement with a vocational institution for the on-the-job learning periods in which their students will take part in our company. Do we have to obtain clarifications concerning the contractor’s obligation to check the vocational institution in question?
For how long should the reports on contractor’s obligations be stored?
We use a service that allows the contractor to obtain a report on the contracting partner’s compliance with their obligations. Is it enough if the report containing statements on contractor’s obligations is viewed in the service, or does it have to be printed out?
Does a foreign company have to perform checks if it uses temporary agency workers in Finland from a foreign temporary agency?
Does the municipality have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations from a company that the municipality accepts to provide social and health care services with a service voucher for local residents?
Is a farm a contractor within the meaning of the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out? Does the farm have to perform checks concerning contractor’s obligations if it enters into temporary agency work or subcontracting agreements?
I obtained a report from a private service provider stating the contracting partner doesn’t employ workforce. On the basis of the front page markings, the report is in order and contains the information on tax register entries, an extract from the Trade Register and evidence of tax payments. Do I need additional clarifications when the contracting partner’s employee has started work on our site?
We are a non-profit association and we are concluding an agreement on subcontracting. Does the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out apply to us as a contractor?
We are concluding an agreement with a light entrepreneur. What clarifications should we obtain on the light entrepreneur?
We are a housing company and we are planning the implementation of a plumbing renovation as subcontracted work. Does the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out apply to us?
We operate as a subcontractor on construction sites and use external work force. The main contractor is obtaining clarifications concerning the contractor’s obligation to check on all the companies operating on the site. Do we need to obtain clarifications on our own contracting partners, although the main contractor has ensured that matters are in order?
A foreign contracting partner has organised occupational health care services in the company’s home country. Is this sufficient as a clarification concerning the contractor’s obligation to check or should the occupational health care services be provided in Finland?
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Frequently asked questions on contractor’s obligations and liability
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